Acts of Omission Paperback Edition is Now Available

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The paperback edition of Acts of Omission is now available for purchase!


To celebrate the release, James Bostwick is giving away signed copies. Sign up here to win one of 5 signed paperback editions of Acts of Omission: Paperback Launch Giveaway. Winners will be drawn at random on Friday, June 26th.

acts_of_omission_sliderOrder your copy online today from a local bookstore on, Barnes & Noble or here on

As a voracious reader of legal fiction, James Bostwick decided it was time to write his own novel, one that realistically depicts the difficult choices, high risk, ethical dilemmas, anguish and euphoria of everyday life for civil trial lawyers. Bostwick believes there are a lot of works that reinforce “ambulance chasing” stereotypes and present skewed or false views of the selection and preparation of trials, so after years of pondering writing a novel, he finally wrote Acts of Omission to correct that deficiency. The novel is loosely based on a San Francisco case Bostwick tried in 1984 when he went up against one of the country’s most famous attorneys to seek justice for a devastatingly injured teenager.

Acts of Omission is based in San Francisco, a city Bostwick adores and has lived and worked in for over 40 years. He took great pride in designing a book cover for his new novel that captures the essence of San Francisco. The book cover represents the spectacular sunset views of the Golden Gate from Crissy Field Beach and on the back of the cover, the bustling city streets shine through.

At its heart, this legal thriller is a soul-searching exploration of the meaning of friendship, love, and loyalty set in the maelstrom of a stunning courtroom battle. Fast paced, with surprises at every turn, this is a compelling page-turner filled with duplicity, sacrifice, heartache, and bare-knuckle legal brinksmanship. It is a searing tale of a legal system gone awry, where greed and power fight an unending battle against a young lawyer’s willingness to risk everything in his quest for justice.

See for yourself why this novel has sold out multiple times, received rave reviews, and a nomination for the Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction. Buy your copy today!

Becoming an Author: 5 Things You Should Know

Acts of Omission, Articles, Interviews, James S. Bostwick

During an interview with Authority Magazine James Bostwick was asked what 5 things you need to know to become a great author. Based on his experience with writing his novel Acts of Omission, he answered with the following advice:

  1. Write concerning something you are passionate about.
  2. Everyone’s writing wants to explain/tell the reader what is going on — don’t. Show them and let the reader figure it out. When the reader can use their imagination, the story comes alive. In other words, don’t tell them what your character is thinking, show it with their actions or mannerisms.
  3. Don’t use an outline or, if you do, don’t follow it too closely. Characters and storylines must have the freedom to go where the winds may blow them. When your characters start doing things you never had imagined they would do, that’s when the story begins to resonate. Your novel has then developed a life of its own.
  4. Listen to the ideas of friends and family but rely primarily on your own instincts. Writing is a creative process like art — not everyone is going to like the product of your efforts. Every good author is going to have a few one- or two-star reviews. You must give birth to what is inside you and not worry about pleasing everyone.
  5. Editing is key. When you have your 500-page masterpiece completed, remember that it probably has 100 pages of fat that don’t need to be there. When it has been pruned of chapters or vignettes you thought were fun/great at the time but upon cold-blooded reflection aren’t truly necessary, the story will move much faster, won’t have dead spots and will keep the reader more engaged.

James also discusses the challenges he faced in his journey to become an author and habits that helped during his writing process. Read the full Authority Magazine article on

As a voracious reader of legal fiction, Bostwick decided it was time to write his own novel, one that realistically depicts the difficult choices, high risk, ethical dilemmas, anguish and euphoria of everyday life for civil trial lawyers. Bostwick believes there are a lot of works that reinforce “ambulance chasing” stereotypes and present skewed or false views of the selection and preparation of trials, so after years of pondering writing a novel, he finally wrote Acts of Omission to correct that deficiency. The novel is loosely based on a San Francisco case Bostwick tried in 1984 when he went up against one of the country’s most famous attorneys to seek justice for a devastatingly injured teenager.

See why this legal thriller has sold out multiple times, received rave reviews, and a nomination for the Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction. Buy your copy today.

James Bostwick Interviewed on Success Story Podcast

Acts of Omission, Interviews, James S. Bostwick

James Bostwick had an hour long, in-depth interview with Scott Douglas Clary on Success Story Podcast.

Scott is known for his candid interviews with execs, celebrities, notable figures and politicians who have achieved success through both wins and losses. Guests talk about their life, their ideas and insights. He sits down with leaders and mentors and unpacks their stories to help pass those lessons onto others through both experiences and tactical strategy for business professionals, entrepreneurs and everyone in between.

James Bostwick is one of the most respected medical malpractice and personal injury lawyers in the nation. As Founder of Bostwick & Peterson, he’s cultivated a reputation as a top-tier specialist in catastrophic malpractice cases and has secured numerous record-setting verdicts and settlements. In this interview, Jim discusses his background, where his passion for medical malpractice law is rooted, and how he became an accomplished personal injury attorney.

He also talks about his decision to become a writer. As a voracious reader of legal fiction, he always loved stories about criminal trials, but was struck by how seldom anyone wrote about the other cases that fill the courtrooms of America. In the interview, Jim tells listeners more about the San Francisco case that inspired Acts of Omission. In 1984 when he was a young lawyer, he went up against one of the most famous lawyers in the country to seek justice for a young man with a devastating injury.

Listen to the interview, and hear the exciting news about a sequel to Acts of Omission, on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

The paperback edition of Acts of Omission will be released on June 9, 2020. Pre-order your copy online today from a local bookstore on, or on

A Thank You from Jim Bostwick

Acts of Omission, James S. Bostwick, Paperback Release

Thank you for joining me the other night to celebrate the success and paperback release of Acts of Omission. I wish we could have celebrated in person, but that wasn’t in the cards. I am grateful that we could still come together virtually. It was fun to see so many friendly faces, those that I have known for years and a few that I look forward to meeting. Your support means a great deal to me. Stay safe and please remember to write those reviews!

With gratitude,

Jim Bostwick

Thank you so much for being a part of the Acts of Omission Paperback Release party! If you were not able to attend to hear Jim’s talk and the BIG news about the book (too juicy to post here!) be sure to follow us on social media for more news about Acts of Omission and future speaking events: Facebook and Instagram. There is more to come!

The paperback edition of Acts of Omission will be released on June 9, 2020. Pre-order your copy online today from a local bookstore on, or here on


Acts of Omission Review in ABOTA National Publication

Acts of Omission, Articles, Book Review

Acts of Omission, written by James Bostwick, was given a wonderful review in the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA) quarterly publication, ‘Voir Dire’, by John A. McGuinn, National Board Member from the San Francisco Chapter of ABOTA.

John writes:

“I recently read a novel that finally paints an authentic picture of the life of a civil trial lawyer. Acts of Omission grabbed on and held me from start to finish. It is a story that realistically depicts the difficult choices, high rise, ethical dilemmas, anguish and euphoria of everyday life for attorneys who represent victims of negligence.”

James Bostwick has been a member of ABOTA, an invitation-only organization, since 2003. ABOTA is a national association of experienced trial lawyers and judges who have high personal character, an honorable reputation, and must have tried a minimum of 10 civil jury trials to conclusion. ABOTA dedicates itself to the preservation and promotion of the Seventh Amendment that guarantees the right to civil jury trials. More than 7,600 lawyers and judges are involved in ABOTA chapters in all 50 states.

To read the full review of Acts of Omission, go to ABOTA Bookshelf.

RSVP for Acts of Omission Paperback Release Virtual Party!

Acts of Omission, James S. Bostwick, Paperback Release

We will be celebrating the paperback launch of Acts of Omission via a Zoom Happy Hour Thursday, May 28th from 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM PDT and we’d love for you to join us!

Space is limited, so please register here as soon as possible: RSVP at Eventbrite.

Grab your favorite drink and join author James Bostwick who will share exciting news, answer your burning questions and give away coveted prizes.

If you’ve already RSVP’d, the Zoom link is in your confirmation email. Simply click on the Zoom link to join the party. If you didn’t receive the Zoom link, please email: .

The novel is inspired by a San Francisco case James tried in 1984 when he was a young lawyer and went up against one of the most famous lawyers in the country to seek justice for a young man with a devastating injury.

If you haven’t had a chance to read Acts of Omission yet, that’s okay, please still join in and you could win a signed, first edition copy or one of the first paperback copies!

It will be a wonderful celebration! Hope to see you!

You’re Invited! Paperback Release Virtual Party May 28th!

Acts of Omission, James S. Bostwick, Paperback Release

Join author and nationally recognized trial lawyer, Jim Bostwick, for a Zoom Happy Hour on May 28th from 5:30-6:30 pm PDT to celebrate the Paperback Release of Acts of Omission, which was just nominated for the Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction.

Jim has some really exciting developments to share with you, he’ll also answer your burning questions, and give away a few coveted prizes.

If you haven’t had a chance to read Acts of Omission yet, that’s okay, please still join in and you could win a signed, first edition copy! The novel is inspired by a San Francisco case Jim tried in 1984 when he was a young dogged lawyer and went up against one of the most famous lawyers in the country to seek justice for a young man with a devastating injury.

Please RSVP here at Eventbrite. Spots are capped, so be sure to secure your spot! Once registered, you will have access to the Zoom link sent via email.

Grab a happy hour drink of choice, log-in to Zoom and we’ll see you there!

Acts of Omission Paperback Release Virtual Party – Save the Date

Acts of Omission, Author Talks, James S. Bostwick, Paperback Release

Save the Date!
Acts of Omission Paperback Release Virtual Party

Save the Date! Join debut author and nationally recognized trial lawyer, James Bostwick, to celebrate the paperback release of his legal thriller Acts of Omission Thursday May 28, 2020 from 5:30-6:30pm PT.

During the virtual happy hour, Jim will share exciting news, answer your burning questions and give away a few coveted prizes. We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

The party will be hosted on Zoom, with more details to follow.

Mark your calendar and we will be in touch soon!

James Bostwick Interviewed by Authority Magazine and Your Legal Rights

Acts of Omission, Articles, Interviews, James S. Bostwick

James Bostwick, partner at Bostwick & Peterson, was interviewed about his debut novel, Acts of Omission, as well as his career as a nationally recognized trial lawyer.

In his interview with Authority Magazine, James discusses the challenges he’s had becoming an author, gives advice to aspiring authors, and talks about what has inspired him and contributed to him becoming a great writer.

“Writing is a creative process like art — not everyone is going to like the product of your efforts. Every good author is going to have a few one- or two-star reviews. You must give birth to what is inside you and not worry about pleasing everyone.”

James, along with his partner at Bostwick and Peterson LLP Erik Peterson, was interviewed on KALW 91.7 FM, San Francisco public radio: Your Legal Rights. Together, they speak about their job as trial lawyers of catastrophic injury cases. James speaks about Acts of Omission, and being nominated for the 2020 Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction. 

Acts of Omission gives readers a realistic ‘day in the life’ of a civil trial lawyer. It’s based on a true San Francisco case that Bostwick tried in 1984, painting an authentic and gut-wrenching picture of the dangers, risks and rewards when a young, dogged lawyer goes up against one of the nation’s most famous attorneys to seek justice for a young man with a devastating injury.

Purchase your copy of Acts of Omission today on

Meet Roger Wayne – Narrator of Acts of Omission

Acts of Omission, Audiobook, Order Acts of Omission, Roger Wayne

Acts of Omission’s audiobook has gotten rave reviews, in part due to the amazing narrator, Roger Wayne. Roger has narrated close to 200 audiobooks and has received glowing reviews for his work. His audiobook, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck,” by Author Mark Manson, received an award for the best audiobook of 2017, in its category of self-development, as the audible editors acknowledged his poignant, down-to-earth, and at times hilarious delivery of the author’s words.

Roger tells us about narrating Acts of Omission:

“As a narrator, when I’m contracted to voice a title that’s considered to be ‘on the longer end’ (14-15 hrs. or so) in length, I tend to go in knowing that no matter how much I try, there are sections of that book that frankly, in my experience, just won’t be as compelling . . . UNLESS it’s in the hands of a skilled writer and not one word is wasted, but is necessary to bring to life even more, a great story. And that’s what James Bostwick did with Acts of Omission.”

He continues saying, “You have this large handful of compelling characters all throughout, on both sides of the story, each one with a unique personality, where the climax ends up in a courtroom drama. As a voice actor, you don’t get much of a better gig than that. Jim made my job easier to where I could find the right voice for these characters immediately; nothing floundered. He had not only built the raft but installed a full bar and large motor to it with a full tank of gas, then pulled me up out of the water to enjoy the ride; all I had to do was start the engine. (That’s what it’s like to narrate the words of a great storyteller.)

Not only that but as the story progressed and getting into the heated exchanges between prosecution and defense, that was a blast. But honestly, the entire experience was enjoyable. I didn’t have to wait until the ending courtroom arguments where the energy is high, to enjoy telling this story. I was excited to get to that point, but building up to it was equally immersive. From voicing Matt’s side and his relationship with those close to him personally and professionally, and his heart-wrenching case, to Salvatore and his associates, I loved it.

I’ve done close to 200 audiobooks, and Acts of Omission is a riveting courtroom saga and wonderful underdog tale, that is one of the best books I’ve had the pleasure of voicing. And the best of its kind that I’ve done. I only hope one day I can watch the film version.”

About Roger Wayne:

After serving in South Korea as a Broadcast Journalist in the United States Air Force, Minnesota-native Roger Wayne earned an acting scholarship and graduated with honors from Augsburg College in Minneapolis. He began performing on the stage doing Shakespeare and contemporary plays as a teenager before joining the military, which led to the beginning of his career in the Twin Cities, performing in several stage productions, short films, and commercials, and studying acting at the prestigious Guthrie Theater. In 2012, Wayne moved to New York City, where he now resides, working in Film, TV, Theater, & Voice, which in particular has been a tremendous staple in his career, as voice work has been a passion of his for over 20 years. That passion led to roles on stage, and eventually the world of film.

Click to purchase the Acts of Omission audiobook at Audible by Amazon or from your local bookstore on